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Blurred Lines Page 4

  Why would she come looking for him after all this time? Why now when he was so close to victory he could taste it?

  He sat down on his desk chair and remembered the week they’d had a year or so ago. Phenomenal. He hadn’t had a woman before and since who he enjoyed as much as her.

  No! He had to get his mind away from her. She had only been a warm place to place his cock. Nothing more. The thought of her smile came unbidden to his mind. She was also so innocent. It was that innocence that had pulled him to her those many months ago. She was strong, but with no idea how evil the world really was. For a second he wished he could see the world through her eyes. Forget all he’d seen, all he’d done…

  But thoughts like those belonged to fools. He had a job to do. No matter how sweet her smile was, how wet her cunt, he had a job to do. It had been years in preparation, and no one would come between him and his goal.

  Hector was ready to get rid of her. And her little stunt had not helped her one bit. He’d left the door open and for a minute he wondered if his subconscious had wanted her to escape. But he quickly squashed that idea. This place was built like a fort, there was no running away for her. It had just been carelessness on his part.

  Another reason he shouldn’t give a damn about her. He hadn’t been careless in years. He wasn’t about to start now.

  However much he wished he could save her, he knew Hector wouldn’t allow it. Fuck. The least he could do was tell her himself. He’d been a killer too long, a conscience was something he’d forgotten how to have. Plus he had to warn her to keep her mouth shut about her knowledge of him

  Time to get this over with.


  He walked down the hall to the holding room. Cracking the door open, he peered in before walking in. She was lying on the mattress at the far side of the room. She clearly had not heard him open the door, else she would have woken up.

  “Time to get up sleeping beauty!” he said loudly kicking the mattress with his foot. Yes, he was being an asshole, but he had to make her see the inevitable, and being soft was not going to do it.

  She woke up with a start. “Davide, you scared me! I thought it was Pedro again. That guy gives me the creeps. I can actually see him bidding his time before he rapes me. You have to get me out of here. She was talking a mile a minute. God, how he’d missed her rambling, her pretty pink mouth forming words so fast, he’d sometimes just stare.

  “You shouldn’t be so quick to celebrate sweetheart. They say I’m worse than Pedro.” He gave her his most leering smile. She looked at him first in shock then in fear.

  “That’s right sweetheart. You’re starting to get it. You’re probably not going to make it out of this alive. Hector seems to have it in for you. So here’s what we’re going to do. You’ll keep your mouth shut about ever meeting me, and I’ll make sure you go down fast. See, sometimes they like to draw it out. The kinds of things they could do to a person scare even me. So if you want it easy and fast, do as I say.”

  “Wha… what’s wrong with you? Why are you talking to me that way?”

  Davide ignored her. “Look, they’ll probably not believe anything you’re going to say anyway. But I’m in a merciful mood, so that’s the deal you have. I suggest you take it.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it with the back of her hand. From where he stood he could see her shaking, mouth opening and closing as if she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to say. Damn it. Better get out of here. He stood up abruptly and started to leave.

  “So that’s it? You’re going to run away like a coward? Ignore what happened between us and wish me a fast death?”

  He stopped but didn’t turn around.

  “I came to Barcelona because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. A whole damn year and all I could think about was you.” Her voice quivered, but she went on. “You can pretend nothing happened between us. You’re good at pretending, I see that now. But not even you could wish away those six days we had. I see it in your eyes, they meant something to you to. So go ahead and do whatever you want with me, but you’ll regret it Davide.”

  She stopped then. God, but he wanted to turn and tell her he had no choice. Make her understand that if he could change anything, it would be the circumstances of their meeting, then and now. But like the coward she had accused him to be, he just turned and walked out. Locking the door securely behind him.

  On his way to his office he bumped into Pedro. “Make sure you feed her and get her a change of clothes.” He ordered.

  “Since when did we become a fucking hotel?” asked Pedro.

  “Since I said so asshole!” He turned and charged at a surprised Pedro banging his face on the opposite wall, holding him there. “Any more questions Pedro?” he asked menacingly.

  Pedro said nothing but nodded imperceptibly.

  “Good.” Davide said, releasing him.

  He headed back to his office. Took his phone and car keys and decided to head out. It had been such a long day. And he was afraid things would only get worse. Damn Lori!


  When he got home, he headed straight to the bar for the whiskey. He downed a shot in one go and poured a second one. He’d thought long and hard on the drive home and he had to try to get her out of this. She was right, he’d regret not doing anything to help her. So he’d try. As much as he could without exposing himself that is.

  He went to his room, gearing up for what he was about to do. This would not be pretty.

  Picking up the unregistered, untraceable cellphone he kept hidden, he dialed the number he’d used so rarely in the past two years. He knew the person on the opposite end would pick up immediately. He only called in case of emergencies and for some reason this seemed like one.

  “It’s me. Got a favor to ask.”

  “I’m listening.” The calm voice on the other end said.

  Davide had called this number only twice in two years, and both times had been for emergencies of unimaginable proportions. Both times people had died. Yet the voice picked up with the same calm tone. It was downright unnerving.

  “There’s a girl…” he started but was interrupted by harsh laughter.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! You’ve called me because of a girl? This better be good.” The voice said. And yet still, that unnerving calmness of a person whose time was rarely wasted, and those who tried, died for it.

  “I met her at The Q about a year ago. She’s back”

  “I know you’d never waste my time to tell me you’re about to fuck, so get on with it. What does the girl know?”

  “She doesn’t know anything… but me.”

  “Ok, I still don’t see the problem.”

  “Hector has her.” Davide finished the remaining whiskey as the voice on the other end drew in a harsh breath.

  “Tell me this and spare no details, why would Hector be interested in a girl you fucked a year ago?”

  “I never said…”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit. You wouldn’t mention a girl unless you’d fucked her. Now save us some time and tell me why he thinks she’s valuable.”

  “Well, she actually isn’t. Not really. She only knows my name and face but the problem is that she worked for Miller and Miller.”


  Ok, this was not good. This guy never swore.

  “Jesus, you can’t be trusted to keep it in your pants, even though the only instruction I gave you was to lay low. You know what you have to do. Kill her before Hector gets to her.”

  Shit. This was not going well.

  “The reason I called is because Hector already wants to kill her…”

  “Good for us then, make sure she doesn’t utter a word before.”

  Davide sighed. He had to try. “I thought we could get her out. She doesn’t know anything. And I could always deny any involvement with The Q. Who’d believe her?”

  “Listen. You have two choices. You get rid of her or make sure Hector kills her before
she utters a word. You know the score. How long have you been at it? Two years? It’s too late to fuck this up. Much less because of pussy. Or are you backing out? Because as I remember it, you were ready to see this to completion. Hell, you were more gung ho about it than I was!”

  “I know. I know. I just… she’s innocent ok? I’m not comfor…”

  The man interrupted laughing. “You’re not comfortable with what? Killing innocents? Since when? That must have been good pussy.” The voice got serious again. “Look. You understand collateral damage better than most. Make sure this is taken care of. ” And the line went dead.


  I hastily dried my tears when I heard the door open and close. I wasn’t about to let Davide see me crying again.

  “Some food and a change of clothes” said Pedro of the booming voice. “There’s also water in a bucket, soap and a towel. For some reason boss wants to see you look presentable.

  “I waited until he’d left before I went closer to the stuff he’d brought. And sure enough, he’d laid out a plate with rice and minced meat and wait, were those my clothes? How in God’s name did they get my clothes?!

  I started pacing. This was it. They were going to kill me. They had my clothes, which meant they had my suitcase and passport and basically everything I’d come to Barcelona with. Which also meant they had gone to the hotel I was staying at. Possibly checked me out.

  It was then that I realized that if I was to get out of this, I would need Davide’s help. I wasn’t stupid, I knew he wasn’t very inclined to help me. Whatever had happened between him kissing my cheek and him giving me the ultimatum must have been major. But I knew, I knew he’d felt something for me. Not just at the hotel, but also when he’d tried to convince Hector to let me go.

  There had to be something I could tempt him with. Though they hadn’t said much, I had the distinct feeling that I was dealing with something much larger than a mere kidnapping. The room I was in and the ones that I’d glimpsed in my attempted escape were not much, but these guys had money. I could feel it. Plus Davide was involved somehow and he didn’t seem like he was lacking for cash.

  No, I could not tempt him or them with money. I didn’t even have any. But I’d tempted Davide once with my body, and even though it broke my heart that our reunion didn’t turn out as planned, I was determined to use the only thing I could to get out of there.

  I ate quickly, freshened up and changed clothes. All the while putting a plan in place. This time, I was ready for Davide.

  But he never showed.


  Day 4 of the same routine and I was going out of my mind. Davide hadn’t been in to see me since he threatened me. Pedro had ceased talking to me, which meant that all I got were grunts in response to my questions. Everyday he’d come in, place a plate of food, soap and some water in a bucket then leave.

  But on the fourth day, just as I was about to really lose it, Davide came in. I hadn’t expected him, so I was surprised. I pushed my breasts out a little bit as he came towards me. He zoned in on them then looked at me, an amused expression on his face. Fuck. I had to be more subtle or he’d clue in on my plan.

  “Pedro told me you’re still around. Frankly I’m surprised. Hector was so ready to get rid of you. You’re lucky he seems to be distracted by bigger things.”

  I pulled my bottom lip in my mouth and stared at him, all wide eyed. I said nothing. I decided to hear what he had to say first.

  “Nothing? I tell you that you’re life has been spared a few more days and you got nothing?”

  “I honestly don’t know what you want me to say,” I was surprised to find no quiver in my voice. Maybe to some extent I had accepted the inevitable. He stared at me, seemingly unaware of what to say next. His gaze dropped to my mouth, then back again to my eyes.

  “You’ve made it quite clear you won’t help me.”

  “Can’t,” he interrupted.

  “No, won’t!” I snapped.

  “Look,” he stopped and groaned pushing his hair back with his fingers. Something I’d come to associate him with, an agitated gesture. A tick.

  “Spare me Davide. You made it quite clear where we stand. What did you come here for? To chat?”

  “I came to fucking check on you okay?!” he bellowed then seemed to calm himself. “Pedro is not exactly the most rule abiding guy, I was just making sure he hadn’t touched you.”

  I laughed. A sarcastic sound that made him wince. “Let me get this straight. You didn’t want Pedro to rape me before he kills me? Because, what? You’d promised me I’d go quick? Spare me the false concern.”

  “It’s not fucking false! I don’t… I didn’t want this to happen.” He finished looking me in the eye and I saw the sincerity in them before he suddenly had me on my back on the mattress. He kissed me fervently with that tempered savageness I knew only too well. And just as before, I was helpless to fight it. I didn’t want to fight it. This had been my plan all along.

  “God, Lori, all I can think of is how much I want you again. And I’ve tried to stay away…”

  “You don’t have to Davide. I want you too. Don’t you see? I want you so bad…” I moaned as his head went to my neck, kissing and licking at the pulse there. I drew in a breath. God, I’d missed this. I might be dead tomorrow, or maybe I could convince Davide to help me. But for some reason all I could smell, and taste and hear was Davide. Call me stupid, but I needed him. I’d come all this way for him. And I was going to have him.

  “Davide pulled my top off and hungrily stared at my bra covered breasts. Without a word he removed my bra and licked one upturned nipple. Even that tiny action had me arching off the mattress. He sucked it into his mouth and I moaned. He paid the same attention to the other nipple before he started trailing down south.

  He reached my panties and inhaled. “You smell just like I remember. Let’s see if you taste just as good.” He pulled my panties down and I kicked them away. Then his tongue was on me. Licking me, driving me insane with his sucking and his groaning. It felt so good but I knew it could feel better. I started sliding my hand down. I needed something on my clit to speed up the process but he stopped suddenly and held my hand.

  “It’s been over a year baby, believe me, there’s nothing I want more than to see you explode and know that I caused it. But I’ll take my time to reacquaint myself with your body.”

  I pulled my hand back and surrendered. I trusted him to make me feel good. So I’d wait. He thrusts two fingers inside me and curved them touching my g-spot. I stopped the moan dying to escape my throat by biting my lip so hard I might have drawn blood. God, so so good.

  “Still as tight as I remember. Still so goddamn wet.” He started to thrust his fingers in and out, still not paying any attention to my clit. It throbbed so hard I thought I could hear it.

  “Please, Davide please, I’m so close,” I said as another wave of pleasure rolled over me. He curled his fingers inside me again and whispered, “you like that baby?”

  I couldn’t respond. I was so damn close I was ready to scream. That’s when I felt his tongue on my clit. He licked it softly then applied pressure with his tongue. Between that and his fingers I was in heaven. I closed my eyes and felt my body tense up gearing for the release I needed so badly. Then the tension eased up in one rush of breath. So fucking good.

  “Fucking love those sounds you make when you’re coming,” said Davide positioning his cock on my entrance. He rubbed it on my sensitive clit and it felt so damn good I whimpered.

  “I think you’re ready to come again,” he said rubbing his cock all over my pussy. I knew he’d be covered in my wetness in no time. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and sank into me in one firm movement. My mouth opened on a scream but only a soft ‘ahhhh’ made it out. I felt stretched to the limit, the fullness so good I closed my eyes to savor it.

  “Eyes on mine baby,” he whispered and I opened my eyes to find his light green ones looking down on mine. His expression one
of such pure bliss I felt a smile form. He spread my legs further, pulled out, then sank in again, and this time I had to bite my lip to keep from vocalizing my pleasure.

  “I’ve missed this so much Lori, how my cock fits so perfectly in your pussy… so perfect…”

  He started to move then, slowly. He held the back of my thighs and ground his pelvis on mine. My clit throbbed in response and I let out a mewl. He continued grinding into me, then he leaned in, pushing my thighs to rest on my chest. I felt so open for him, and the gliding angle of his cock just perfect… he let out his tongue to trace my lips, moaning softly. Then he kissed me. Slowly, as if we had all the time in the world. And even though I tried to forget the outside world, I knew our time was limited.

  “Faster Davide, I need to feel you deeper and faster.” I moaned as he picked up the pace. All the while looking into my eyes. I couldn’t quite read his expression. But beside the rapture in his face, there was something else. Vulnerability? Guilt? I didn’t know. But I knew right then I was in trouble. I came all this way to find him, and now that I had, I wanted to keep him.

  “You’re thinking, which means I’m not doing my job right,” he said. He pulled out then thrust his cock in a different angle that hit all the right spots. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. All I could do was feel. I knew he was close by the grunts he was making and I wanted to join him. As if he read my mind, he licked his thumb and put it on my clit. Rubbing it so perfectly I arched up and met him thrust for thrust.

  “That’s it baby. Fuck…”

  The explosion sneaked up on me and clawed itself from the inside out. I let out a soft cry which mingled with his loud groan. I felt his seed shoot inside me and almost came again from the added sensation. He gentled his thrusts, kissing me, stroking my inner thigh, until the fire that had consumed us diminished.

  He gazed at me. “That was incredible.” He sighed pulling out. I felt his come slip out of me and panicked. Shit. We hadn’t used a condom. I looked at him still panicking but he didn’t seem to notice. He used his finger to rub the come on my pussy looking deep in thought.